Our Journey

Specialists in large-scale industrial ventilation, heating, air conditioning & refrigeration applications.

Lazair’s journey started in the early 1990s when Lazarus Bhagalu, a young artisan was left unemployed. This situation motivated him to start up a company that was driven by service delivery and uncompromised customer care. 26 years running, Lazair has established itself as a leading accredited name among petrochemical and large industrial organisations. All our clients can vouch for the impeccable standard of workmanship and service.

Lazair specialises in large scale industrial ventilation, heating, air conditioning & refrigeration applications ranging from close temperature control applications for multimillion-rand telecommunication conglomerates to the complex applications required for universities and retail chain stores.


Accredited with major industry fraternals.

We are accredited with major industry fraternals and boasts of the prestigious International Standard Organisation 9001 award. Lazair is also the oldest Daikin dealer in the region, although, that has not restricted Lazair from offering other international renown brands.

Our main offices are based in Mt Edgecombe, Durban with branches and presence in Empangeni, Johannesburg & Cape Town. In addition, Lazair has an extensive dealer network base which enables us to function nationally on a daily basis.

BEE Certificate | CIBD


Lazair is a registered member of the following organisations:

South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering (SAIMECHe)

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Gradings: 6ME PE

Metal & Engineering Industries Education & Training Board (MEIETB) and is therefore authorised to train employees.

Electrical Contracting Board of South Africa in functioning as Electrical Contractors.

Manufacturing, Engineering & Related Services SETA (MERSETA)

South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering (SAIMECHe)

Black Management Forum (BMF)

The Durban Chamber of Commerce & Industry. (DCCI)

Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry

South African Business Coalition for HIV and Aids (SABCOHA)

Green Building Council

Engineering Forum of South Africa